Monday, 12 July 2010

New directions?

Chris and I had a fantastic day out yesterday at Broad House Hotel Raspberry Foolery. Fantastic music all day, beautiful weather, great burgers and Pimms in lovely surroundings. We didn't sell much but met some lovely people on other stalls who were complimentary about my new glass pieces and our lovely Burlingham Traveller bags. Thinking about some new directions as a consequence and the fabulous day out together really focused our minds on the need to enjoy life rather than constantly slaving to earn a pittance. So - new directions, new thoughts and a new push in fewer diverse directions.

Have just updated the website to include a more detailed descriptions of what we could offer in the way of wedding stationery: see

And the new glass Sushi dishes and spoon rests we made on Friday are lovely. Will make more of these - very exciting.

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